Raku Chawan - Black Tourmaline (handcrafted in Kyoto, Japan)
Raku Chawan - Black Tourmaline (handcrafted in Kyoto, Japan)
Raku Chawan - Black Tourmaline (handcrafted in Kyoto, Japan)
Origin: Japan
Artist: Enraku
Material: Clay
Characteristic: *Rakuyaki
Dimensions: W:11cm, H:8.8cm
*Raku yaki, 楽焼 has been used in traditional Tea ceremonies for centuries.
Wabi-sabi 侘寂*
*A Japanese aesthetic of finding beauty in imperfection.
Raku initiation:
In a large container, put 1 cup of rice in lukewarm water.
Submerge the chawan in the *rice water mixture for about 15 mins.
*the rice helps to seal the pores of the raku chawan; by doing this procedure, the chawan is more durable.
Chawan can be used for tea beverages only.
Place your chawan in an airy, dry place.
Place the tea bowl in lukewarm water for about 30 sec, rinse and let it dry.